Yamaga, Soko

Yamaga, Soko
   A Confucian kogaku ('ancient learning') scholar and military scientist, influential in samurai ethics and an important influence on later thinkers such as Yoshida, Shoin who educated a number of leading figures of the Meiji restoration. Yamaga was originally a shushi-gaku student of Hayashi, Razan and studied Ryobu Shinto. He developed a critique of what he regarded as overly-theoretical neo-Confucian (shushi) thought, arguing that a study of the ancient texts (kogaku) was needed. He indirectly encouraged kokugaku tendencies by insisting that Japan was in no way inferior to China.

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  • Sokō Yamaga — (山鹿素行, Yamaga Sokō) (Aizu, 21 septembre 1622 23 octobre 1685) était un stratège et un philosophe japonais. Sokō Yamaga était un rōnin du début de l ère Edo qui a codifié le code du bushido. Confucianiste, il a appliqué l idée de Confucius d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

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