
   Rituals for the pacification of goryo. These developed in Kyoto from the ninth century and became widely popular. The Gion matsuri and other festivals originated as goryo-e.

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  • goryō — In Japanese mythology, vengeful spirits of the dead. They were originally thought to be spirits of nobles who had been killed unjustly and who avenged themselves by bringing about natural disasters, disease, and wars. Identified by divination,… …   Universalium

  • Goryō — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar …   Wikipedia Español

  • Goryō — nihongo|Goryō|御霊 are Japanese ghosts. The name consists of two kanji, 御 (go) meaning honorable and 霊 (ryō) meaning soul or spirit.Traditionally, Goryō are vengeance ghosts from the aristocratic classes, especially those who have been martyred.… …   Wikipedia

  • Goryo —    Also onryo. Unquiet or vengeful spirits, typically of those who have died violently or unhappily and without appropriate rites. Unless pacified, normally by Buddhist rites but exceptionally by enshrinement as a kami (see for example Sugawara,… …   A Popular Dictionary of Shinto

  • goryo — En la mitología japonesa, espíritus vengativos de los muertos. Originalmente se pensaba que eran espíritus de nobles que habían sido muertos de manera injusta y que se vengaban provocando desastres naturales, enfermedades y guerras. Identificados …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Goryo Hamaguchi — (浜口(濱口)梧陵 June 15, 1820 April 21, 1885) was the seventh business owner of current Yamasa Corporation in Japan He saved many lives of his fellow villagers of Hiro Mura (current Hirogawa, Wakayama), when a massive tsunami struck the Kii Peninsula… …   Wikipedia

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  • Goryō Station — (御領駅) is the name of two train stations in Japan:# Goryō Station (Hiroshima) # Goryō Station (Kagoshima) …   Wikipedia

  • Goryo — Koreanische Schreibweise Hangeul: 고려 Hanja: 高麗 Revidiert: Goryeo McCune R.: Koryŏ Goryeo war der Name eines mittelalterlichen Reichs im heutigen Korea. Von Goryeo leitet sich die in den meisten wes …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Goryō Station (Hiroshima) — is a train station in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan.Lines*Ibara Railway **Ibara LineLayoutAdjacent stations !colspan=5|Ibara Railway ###@@@KEYEND@@@### …   Wikipedia

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